In a previous post I mentioned finding what claims to be the first blog to be maintained by an Aibo robot. It has to be said that the blog is a bit repetitive, but I guess the same would be said if a real dog was blogging its world. Personally, I'd be inclined to set up some more interesting terrain and maybe a few challenges for Aibo to stop him going stir crazy. Or, wireless range permitting, let him outside for an explore.
The owner of Aibo Pedro has set up a mailback system where you can ask Pedro for an exclusive photo: send an email in plain text, not html, to [email protected] with the subject AIBO MAIL and the text PHOTOL. Go on, make his day!
Here is the photo I received from Aibo Pedro - I like the composition and the moody lighting - I wonder if he's been to art school? Click the image to see a larger version.