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Saturday, 27 May 2006



I downloaded sonicstage took awhile but at least it came up on my computer as my connect player wouldnt come up. i transferred my music from computer to my sony NW-A1000 but all i keep getting on the mp3 player is no songs connect compliant software and transfer songs, i try that and the songs load up into sonicstage, i just keep getting on my mp3 player no database found please connect compliant ..which is cracking me up i dont know whats wrong am i doing something wrong i havnt a clue about these things and its taken me 3 days just to get this far can anyone helep.


I had the same problem, and if your problem is the same as mine you need to get the latest firmware version installed on your player from here http://www.sonydigital-link.com/DNA/WM/NWH/NWH.asp?l=en
then once installed in sonicstage go to tools/options, click transfer, highlight 'atrac audio device', click transfer settings button, click 'advanced' button, then 'intelligent features' tab, check the box 'use intelligent features', and ok it all the way back. The database on your player should update (mine hung twice on around 40% but 3rd time it installed properly) and when the update is complete, all the songs you've transferred should now show on your player. I hope this helps. If not I'm sorry, I've had lots of frustrating experiences with my player since I got it. All I can say is best of luck.


Unfortunately the new SonicStage CP Version 4 is a disaster for me. I have a nw-a1000 and the newest firmware version 3. Windows xp with the newest updates.

When I install the new sonicstage the file omgjbox.exe is using 100% of my cpu resource and sonicstage becomes unuseable.

On the internet no solution works. So I went back to the connect player software.


got the solution. moved the library file to another location on the same harddisc. Now it works.but sonic stage is still not fine software


Hi i'm having troubles with both connect player and sonic stage. I first tried installing connect player and got it to install ok with no errors, but when i open it up the whole program freezes and stops completely. So after 2 or 3 go's installing it i uninstalled it and tried sonic stage 4.2. I Managed to install it fine and transfer my libary of music over, but when i connect the walkman with the provided cable, sonic stage doesn't recognise it.I looked at the format of the walkman and it is different from what sony says it should have, so could you tell me how i could change it so i can use either connect or sonicstage as i've had it a week now and still haven't been able to use it much appreciated.


Im having the same problem as Helen i have a sony NW-E003 and it says No database found when i turn it on ! its scaring me because i keep thinking its somehing ive done wrong should i do the same and install the firmware? help ! x

ahmad bataineh

I have the sony walkman verion NW-A1000 (6GB) ,I have aprobem in my sony...the message is always in my sony is"no data base found ,connect compliant software and transfer songs"...
pleaze someone help me to solve this problem...

ahmad bataineh

Can anyone here help me my sony walkman nw-a1000 keeps saying connect compliant software does anyone here have a solution i’ve tried downloading sonic stage cp this didn’t work and i tried re installing my origanal connect player but this didn’t work so PLEASE HELP ME?


ive got a NW-A1200 and it says on sonicstage that there are songs on.. the same old on the walkman; "no database found, please connect.."


ive got a NW-A1200 and it says on sonicstage that there are songs on.. the same old on the walkman; "no database found, please connect.."

Tony Lee

Last week I purchased a NW-A1200 which came with Sonicstage. This software was (and still is) a great problem. It took me 5 attempts to install it over a 4 hour period. I eventually succeeded after downloading the latest version of the programme, cleaning and optimising the hard drive including removing such things as "orphan" files and then defragmenting. In comparison, Samsung Mediacentre (my preious choice) went in first go. Since installing Sonicstage I now have the problem that my PC frequently reboots before a boot-up has finished - annoying but indicative that Sonicstage is causing some sort of mischief.

Now that it is installed it is noticeable that Sonicstage is much slower than Samsung Mediacentre and fails on quite a few basic tasks - for example, transferring a Playfile from the player back to Sonicstage's library has never yet succeeded. Typically, the error message is received that some tracks (listed) cannot be moved, typically about 80% of the Playlist.

I do not think that Sony have a satisfactory product with even its most up-to-date version of Sonicstage. I doubt that I would buy another Sony if this is the best that the Company can do.


Thanks a lot for your info, I was having problems with connect software I got with the NW-A1000 mp3 player.

And after installing "Sonic Stage". I could transfer all my audio files with out any issues. Thanks.


my A1200 freezes on 'every moment has its music'. I've installed SS 4.3 but the player is unusable.
the sony shop says send off to workshop for a £77 fix! any other options?

Shizzling Food

The tips for resetting the old Connect Player software and clearing out your old song database may well work. See here http://silvabokis.typepad.com/silva_bokis/2005/12/sony_connect_pl.html


I've just upgraded to SS 4.3. Why oh why did I do it? It crashes everytime I try to look at my NW-1200. I've tried going back to an older version of SS but still no use.At the moment I can not transfer ANY files to my portable device. Help!

Dean Boyd

I just had a simalar experiance as Helen on first comment To Upgrade Software: Please connect compliant Software and Transfere songs. However my Son has Sonic Stage Mp3 Player 1Gig the Round one that came out two years ago i tried to transfere songs fronm my original library back on my Sony NWA 3000 MP3 Player but it would not revert back to MP3 Player so i had to transfere songs from my sons library also having upgrade his software aswell to 4.3 version and it worked . But i am still trying to transfere original songs from my Connect Library back on to my SONY NWA 3000 DEVICE but not Working. Songs from my sons device transfered and worked. I tried to transfere some so I Went to C: drive on Computer were Librarary songs were stored and transfered some not all ! Why all not transfered Anyone with Solutions ?


Solved it with some help from another board. Had to go back to 4.2 on another laptop but at least it works now.


I have the 6GB A1000, from the beginning I've had problems with the software but muddled through and got it to work. Now have new Sony laptop (you really think they'd get their own products to work together), tried nearly all versions of Sonic Stage, early versions crash and generally none of them accept my player. It's a Sony player plugged into a Sony laptop with a Sony program, really how hard is this?
Anyway I'm just about at my wits end, so after over a year of this awful system I'm off to buy something that works tomorrow that isn't a Sony. Sorry to sound defeatist, but I don't think I can take it much more.

john W

After resolving the problem with sonic stage now the display has become so dark its impossible to see, this seemed to happen after transferring and charging the thing what seemed to be a once reliable mp3 player has quickly over the past two days become a frustrating unreliable system, how can i resolve this? Thanks

suesh hegde


Cheap Laptops

I also have some issues regarding both connect player and sonic stage.......

Used Computers

Anyway I'm just about at my wits end, so after over a year of this awful system I'm off to buy something that works tomorrow that isn't a Sony........

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